Cedar Cohousing Links from Becca Here are useful URL’s of Cohousing, Cooperatives, and Bicycling resources local and national. Twin Cities Cohousing Network – a non-profit seeking to build knowledge of Cohousing and facilitating community of cohousers in the St Paul Minneapolis Area http://tccoho.org/ Monterey Cohousing Community – a small, collaborative cohousing community located in St. Louis Park, MN https://montereycohousing.com/ CoMinnesota a membership group for all Minnesotans who want to build a cooperative economy with many links to Organizational and Financial assistance for Co-ops https://cominnesota.coop/ The Minneapolis Toy Library is a toy lending program for families with children ages birth to 5 years. Like a book library, you can check-out up to five toys, take them home for 2-4 weeks and exchange them for new ones when you return! http://mplstoylibrary.org The Cohousing Association of the United States – National Association promoting cohousing http://www.cohousing.org/ Sociocracy ( a Deeper Democracy) also called Dynamic Governance – a way of creating an organization that operates with the Consent of its members not “a majority rule” of its members http://www.sociocracy.info/about-sociocracy/what-is-sociocracy/ Bicycling Minnesota Bicycle Organizations and Information from the DNR http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/biking/organizations.html Venture North a full-service bike shop and café in Harrison neighborhood http://www.venturenorthbwc.org/ Non-profit - Cycles for Change's goal to build a diverse and empowered community of bicyclists https://cyclesforchange.org/ The Hub Bike Coop – a Cooperative worker owned and operated https://www.thehubbikecoop.org/