Get the book - Creating Cohousing, by Katie McCamant
Attend Cedar Cohousing hosted events
Meet with a Cedar Cohousing member
Attend member meetings and get involved in planning
Access Cedar Cohousing communications and documents
Have a voice in group decisions
Participate in member meetings
Participate in group activities
Secure a place in line when units are selected
Learn about Cohousing & Cedar
Explore this website and learn about our vision, our forming community, and cohousing in general.
Get on our email list to stay up-to-date on our progress and events.
Attend a public event, talk with a member - check out the events page.
Learn more about cohousing by reading Creating Cohousing or The Senior Cohousing Handbook; check out
Schedule a socially-distanced “coffee date” or Zoom meeting with one of our members.
Start thinking about the financing - e.g.,, your ability to qualify for a condo loan if you need one.
Ready to find out more and get involved?
Become an Explorer and pay a $300 non-refundable Explorer Fee.
We will schedule an orientation meeting to discuss the path of the project, current status, and your questions.
You are encouraged to attend our business meetings, join a "circle" (i.e., a committee), focused on an aspect of advancing our project and attend social events in order to get to know our evolving community.
Reserve your Spot in Cedar Cohousing!
Become a member and pay a $500 Membership Fee. If you decide the project is not for you before land is purchased, you can request this fee be refunded.
Membership also requires becoming current on the “cash calls” that have been invested by all members in the project so far. (These funds will be reimbursed when construction is completed should you drop your membership.)
As a member, you are expected to become fully involved and attend meetings, participate in and help organize social events, and use your talents to make the project a success.
Advantages of Joining Sooner than Later
The date you become a member holds your seniority spot for choosing a specific unit in the neighborhood—an incentive to join now! The spot is held as long as you continue to fulfill the other requirements for full membership.
Be part of the dynamic process of community-building. It’s a unique opportunity to join forces with other passionate people to create something like this! You will learn a lot, your comfort zone will be pushed at times, and the accomplishments will feel incredible.
Have a voice in the design of our neighborhood and your future home.