We invite you to a Zoom Meeting of Cedar Cohousing LLC on June 27th. We will be discussing how our group is searching for a place to build our community in the Twin Cities. Sign up thru EventBrite: www.eventbrite.com/e/live-refreshed-in-cohousing-a-zoom-tickets-109423019196 If you sign up for the newsletter, you will get a direct zoom invitation closer to the event.
This Zoom of about one hour will introduce you to our community and our planning, we will have breakouts to answer your individual questions. Zoom agenda: What is Cohousing? Who is Cedar Cohousing LLC? A group of 15 households who plan to create a 25-35 home cohousing community in the Twin Cities. Watch a video of an Urban Cohousing community in Boston "Jamaica Plain" Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=dIgm747bmVU What do we want? A survey of our members show we want: Urban, near transit, multigenerational, energy efficient, being a welcoming group What types of sites are we looking at? The Site Search Circle is working on finding a location Google Earth Walk-through of several sites under consideration Understand this is not a "house hunt" Where are we now in our process? Breakout Rooms hosted by CCLLC Members and Explorers We will welcoming you and introduce each other, and answer questions you might have. Thank you for coming, we will send you a cohousing resource list, and follow up with you by phone.