Mark Anderson's Statement
Cohousing, living cooperatively with our neighbors, aligns with living synergistically, sustainably, with our environment.
At Anderson Sustainable Architecture, we help people live healthier and more comfortably with cost-effective, durable building investments that fight climate change.
By thoroughly understanding our clients living and working goals, we create great places to live and work that are also organized to align sustainably with environmental systems. This naturally provides more healthy buildings with better sunlight, fresh filtered air and access to outdoor views and living areas.
We design highly livable, functional, healthy, comfortable, exciting, energy efficient, durable, lower maintenance, blackout resilient, yet economical buildings.
Having allergies and chemical sensitivities myself, we design with a focus on using healthy building materials and providing high indoor air quality buildings for all.
Uniquely skilled at combining Certified Passive House Consulting, the field-tested gold standard for sustainable building design, and photovoltaic system design knowledge, we align energy consumption and production, optimizing their design and minimizing costs. Your project could be low carbon, Zero Net-Energy or Positive Net-Energy buildings creating as much or more energy than they consume.
Anderson Sustainable Architecture, designing new and remodeled buildings to be cleaner, greener, healthier and energy conserving places to live and work.
Mark Carsten Anderson, AIA, CPHC, lives in Saint Paul, MN. Mark is Certified Passive House Consultant; with certificates to design and install photovoltaic systems; and is a graduate of the University of Minnesota School of Architecture with a Bachelor of Architecture and Environmental Design. Mark loves doing anything without a motor. Bicycling for fun & commuting, snowshoeing and has taught sea kayaking.